Learn more about topics that we discuss in the therapy setting. These resources are available to help anyone looking for support, education, encouragement to to explore next steps in their therapy or mental health journey.
Depression and Eating: Too much or too little
Did you know that changes in eating patterns frequently happen with depression. Learn more about the how and why of depression related eating changes and what you can do about it.
Depression and Sleep: too much or too little
Many people with depression note that they are unable to sleep, experience insomnia, or are unable to stay asleep as a part of their depression experience. There is also a more limited number of depression sufferers that report oversleeping or the desire to sleep all the time as a symptom of their depression experience. This can be confusing, but there is an explanation.
Resource review: Hardwired Happiness
Learn more about a science based approach to increasing happiness and positive feelings based on how your brain is wired to respond to experience.